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川剧中的绝活变脸更是名扬天下,可以在极短的瞬间,变幻出赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫等各色脸谱,令人叹为观止。本机构演出内容包括:走脸、回脸、飞脸、叼扇子变脸、震脸、空手变脸、喷火、吃火、魔术。走脸:我们大家常见的把面前的脸变成另一张脸。回脸:大家看到的变脸演员变到自己的本脸的时候,还可以变回花脸。回两张就是漏出本脸后连续变回两张花脸。叼扇变脸:变脸演员带着脸谱然后叼上一把扇子把脸变走后扇子还是在嘴里叼着,这是高级变脸手法。空手变脸以及回脸:变脸演员在双手高举的情况下变脸,也可以在双手高举的情况下回脸。需要商业变脸演员就选择巴蜀文化专业川剧变脸培训学校。客户可来校参观。本着“弘扬民族文化 展示变脸魅力”的主旨,为了将这门艺术在中华大地发扬光大,同时,为了更多的喜爱国粹艺术的人们能够求师有门巴蜀文化专业川剧变脸学校欢迎你!!!

电话:13181718239    13156418444

The Bashu culture professional Sichuan Opera Face adhering: professional, dedicated, high-quality, efficient, every creative every show into a flash of bright spots to help customers create a good public image and sensation social effects, we understand the expectations of the customers, weto cherish each client’s trust, we will spare no effort, dedication and community go hand in hand for a better future!
In addition to the artistic pursuit obsession we also use another thing to prove himself hard ideology - the value of existentialism: to do the city’s most outstanding business performances and public relations campaign.
Artistic achievements of the commercial, the commercial success of our, and our interpretation of art!
The institutions show includes: walk the face, back face, fly face, Diao fan Changing Faces, shock face, empty-handed change of face, fire-breathing, eating fire, magic. Walk the face: we common front face into another face. Back to face: when we see the Changing Faces the actor change to the face, you can also change back Baikal. Back two continuous change back to is leaking the face after two painted face.Diao fan Changing Faces: the Changing Faces actors with a mask and then Diao a fan on my face or in the mouth and change left fan, this is a high-level face changing tactics. Empty-handed change of face, and back to the face: face actor turned hostile in the case of hands held high, face in hands held high return.
Choose need commercial Changing Faces actor the Bashu culture professional Sichuan Opera face training school. Customers can come to the school to visit. Spirit "carry forward the national culture show the Changing Faces charm" keynote to these art flourish in the land of China, at the same time, in order to favoritethe quintessence of art that people can seek cultural professional division has doors Bashu Sichuan opera face changing schools to welcome you! ! !
Tel: 13181718239 13156418444